Acute diseases such as cold, fever, headache, cough, sneezing, vomiting, diarrhea are the body's way of eliminating accumulated wastes and toxins. Let’s take an example: sneezing. Why do you sneeze? You sneeze because the body is making an effort to push unwanted waste out of your body. You see this healing effort as a disease and start taking pills to stop it and often succeed in doing so. You are in effect forcing the toxins to remain inside the body and poison your blood and cells.
Continuous suppression of symptoms leads to chronic diseases such as asthma, wheezing, arthritis, high BP, skin diseases, body pains, liver and kidney disorders, cancer.
Imagine a house with all its doors, windows, and ventilators tight shut. The house is slowly being ravaged by a fire inside. If you see smoke coming from a half open window, what would you do? Shut that too? How foolish is that! Taking medicines is a lot like that. No smoke on the outside will not stop the fire inside. The symptom is a warning we cannot and should not ignore.
Banish all drugs, syrups, tonics, and creams that treat just a part of your body. We at Yuva understand the body as whole, and treat it as a whole. We douse the fire and not just hide the smoke.
Suppressing symptoms with inorganic man-made drug will only add to the toxins that the body is trying to expel. When toxins are not eliminated by regular natural means, the body pushes them out other means: through the skin; we thus see pimples, boils, eczema, skin eruptions. These are not diseases, they are each an eliminative process in progress. In extreme cases the blocking of toxins inside the body can lead to the formation of tumor or cancer. Stop before it is too late.
At the cellular level all body parts are the same and hence must be treated the same way. That is to say that we need to treat the body as a whole and not as an amalgamation of various parts. At the root of all diseases are imbalances. These imbalances caused inside our body are the only cause and restoring the balance is the only cure.
The medicine from the drugstore that you take for stomach ache goes not only to the stomach but to all parts of the body. What is the drug doing outside the affected part? For that matter, what is it doing inside the affected part? If there are benefits, they are only in the short term. In the long run you increase the dosage and thus the potency of the disease. Look at it any which way, an inorganic, chemical pill does only harm. There is only one cause, there is only one cure.
Your body has an inherent ability to maintain and restore health. We, as naturopathic physicians, facilitate this healing process by removing obstacles to cure and identifying treatments to enhance healing. You get a cure for today and a stronger immunity for tomorrow.
A chemical drug is mostly focused on relieving you of symptoms. What you need is a systemic change. What should truly worry you is that your medication may be aggravating your disease. Cure worse than the disease is not just a popular phrase; it could be your reality.