We at Yuva believe that for long-lasting health our body is required to be in perfect alignment with nature. All diseases are a result of a misalignment of the body with nature. We need to make changes in our

The Yuva doctor, like any true naturopath, specializes in disease prevention to help the healthy. To cure the sick suffering from acute or chronic conditions, we offer treatments that are natural and in harmony with the body’s inherent mechanisms.

The approach that a Yuva doctor takes is in keeping with the following naturopathy fundamentals:

Do No Harm
Heal with Nature’s Power
Identify and Treat the Cause
Treat the Whole Person
Dates that work best for me :



A way of life, naturopathy needs to be incorporated in dinacharya (daily life). Working with nature means living in a manner that prevents illnesses; and if one is sick, curing the root cause of a disease rather than just the symptoms.

The approach that a Yuva doctor takes is in keeping with the following naturopathy fundamentals:

You are made vulnerable to diseases by emotional conditions such a...

Negativity in thought results in lowered vitality, abnormal composition of blood and lymph, and accumulation of waste, morbid matters, and poisons in the system.

Modern life is more artificial than natural. And it is becoming more so as the years go by.

Our lifestyles are laden with habits that are unnatural:

  • Eating meat excessively
  • Using strong spices and condiments in food
  • Taking alcohol, coffee, and tea
  • Overworking and/or working at odd hours
  • Breathing polluted air and breathing improperly
  • Leading a sedentary life without any physical exercise.

For a thorough understanding of what ails you, what cures you need, where your lifestyle needs correction, and what works best for you, meet one of our specialist for a discussion.



Wrong habits lead to accumulation of waste matter and poisons in the body. The body is designed to expel the toxins with the help of the bowels, kidneys, skin, and other organs of elimination. But when the level of toxins is very high the body is unable to keep a clean house. Nature is forced to resort to other more radical means of purification. These forcible house cleansings of nature are colds, catarrhs, skin eruptions, diarrhea, boils, ulcers, abnormal perspiration, and fevers. Modern medicine treats these symptoms with antiseptic, antipyretic, sedative, painkiller, and inorganic drugs or creams that contain sulfur, mercury, lead, quinine, titanium, and other chemicals that fight symptoms or the natural healing and cleansing work.

That chemical drug you are taking is preventing a natural process of cleaning up the body. The toxins thus remain trapped in your body. The drug is harming you rather than healing you. This process of suppression when repeated over and over again makes the blood and tissues so loaded with waste matter and poison that the healthy natural forces can no longer react. Continuous suppression of acute diseases leads to chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, arthritis, high BP, all kinds of skin diseases, body pains, liver and kidney diseases, and asthma.



You must RETURN TO NATURE, by regulating your eating, drinking, breathing, working, resting, thinking, moral life, sexual and social activities.

RIGHT SELECTION OF FOOD AND DRINK: Stay away from food that adds poison to your body and choose food that contains elements necessary for the building and repairing of tissues and the elimination of waste and systemic poisons. Fruits vegetables, nuts are rich in organic salts, which regenerate and rejuvenate body cells and tissues. Completely avoid food that is processed (crisps, biscuits, pickles, chocolates); refined (sugar, maida products, pizzas, bakery products); deep fried (finger chips, chicken nuggets etc.); or flavored (ice cream, Pepsi, Coke, etc.).

For a detailed understanding of nutrition click to Yuva Nourishment.



Naturopathy is for the healthy and the sick alike. If you are healthy we offer preventive means. If you are sick, we cure you and reduce your dependence on medication and often even free you from pharmaceutical drugs altogether. Our clinics offer therapies that address a wide range of illnesses.

  • Diet therapy
  • Colon hydrotherapy
  • Chromo-infrared therapy
  • Alkaline therapy
  • Oxygen and Ozone therapy
  • Therapeutic massage
  • Therapeutic swedish massage
  • Acupuncture and reflexology
  • Ayurvedic panchakarma
  • Shirodhara
  • Kati vasti
  • Janu vasti
  • Greeva vasti
  • Blood and body cleansing
  • Physiotherapy
  • Family counseling
  • Pregnancy yoga
  • Acidity
  • Alcoholism
  • Anxiety
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Blood Vessel Blockage
  • Body And Joints Pain
  • Boils
  • Common Cold
  • Constipation
  • Dandruff
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Disc Prolapse
  • Fibroid Uterus
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Impotency
  • Indigestion
  • Infertility
  • Irregular Periods
  • Kidney And Gall Stone
  • Migraine Headache
  • Overweight
  • Pcod
  • Pimples
  • Sinusitis
  • Skin Diseases
  • Sleeplessness
  • Smoking
  • Stroke
  • Thyroiditis